Volunteer Profile: Alyssa
In the greenhouse, Alyssa stands proudly beside a wall of towering green beans. She grew them herself, using hydroponics.
“My favorite part was not knowing how it would work, and then getting to see the results,” she says, gesturing to one of the bean pods.
She talks animatedly about the process of setting up the hydroponic system, and of seeing the plants grow. Although the idea was originally that of Boise Vertical Farms co-founder, Jeff Middleton, Alyssa quickly became the one to really drive the project forward.
“I got to use a drill for the first time. It was really fun, but also nerve wracking.”
The hydroponics system she built relies on a series of Dutch Buckets connected by an irrigation line and filled with hard clay balls. The balls absorb water, providing nutrients and moisture for the plants without any need for soil.
“We really had to roll with the complications. There was a lot to learn. But it was a really fun experience,” Alyssa says, scooping up a handful of the clay balls to display. “It’s very peaceful, being around nature. It’s like meditation.”
Peace and meditation are important for Alyssa, especially through her recovery from addiction. When she came to Boise Vertical Farm, it was a part of a mental health court community service program. But Boise Vertical Farm didn’t just provide service hours, or agricultural skills.
Alyssa says that she also learned patience, gentleness, and how to maintain a positive mindset. She hopes others with similar backgrounds will find the faith and hope they need to start the recovery process as well.